Animated Logotypes Showcase
Click a logo to repeat its animation

A-B logo

Effects in this logo: gaussBlur and scaleB. Note: You can test all these effects by yourself in the Editor.

Blue M logo

Effects in this logo: maskSlideB, maskSlideT and flyC.

Flame logo

Effects in this logo: scaleBL, scaleB, scaleBR and stamp.

Lens (camera) logo

Effects in this logo: maskCross, maskPlus, scaleC and rubberY.

Big M logo

Effects in this logo: expandL, fade, and expandR.

N logo

Effects in this logo: fadeShortTL, fadeShortBR and flipY.

Colored logo

Effects in this logo: maskCircle, maskPanY and maskPanY.

Star logo

Effects in this logo: maskPlus and flyRotateC.

X logo

Effects in this logo: drawLines and gaussBlur.

All the example logos are designed by

Before purchase

Please get familiar before purchase with the Documentation and try to make your own animation with the Enliven' em Animation Editor.

Also please don't forget to check these ready to use Premium and Free Add-ons.

Ready to Enliven Your Graphic? The price is fair. Guaranteed.