Animated Icons Showcase
Click an icon to repeat its animation

Chat icon

Effects in this icon: fadeShortBL, scaleBR and drawLines.

Clipboard icon

Effects in this icon: maskEllipse, expandT, fadeLongT, fade and scaleL.

Clocks icon

Effects in this icon: maskLouversX, maskLouversY, fade, flyRotateC, flyScaleC and maskSlideTR.

Infinity icon

Effects in this icon: expandY, drawLines and fade.

Map icon

Effects in this icon: expandL, drawLines, flyC and expandL.

Calendar icon

Effects in this icon: expandT, fade, expandB and maskGradT.

Pencils icon

Effects in this icon: maskClockOne and maskClockTwo.

Retina icon

Effects in this icon: maskRhomb, gaussBlur, fadeShortBL and fade.

Icons on this page are from Flat UI Free - Design Framework by designmodo. Thanks!

Before purchase

Please get familiar before purchase with the Documentation and try to make your own animation with the Enliven' em Animation Editor.

Also please don't forget to check these ready to use Premium and Free Add-ons.

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